The Challenge:
A needs analysis revealed opportunities to enhance key sales leadership capabilities of our client’s first-line sales managers. But our client did not have an established sales manager training program or business planning approach, which threatened their ability to increase market share and gain a leadership position in an evolving and highly competitive marketplace. Our client needed to implement a full sales leadership training curriculum for its regional sales directors that focused on leader development and limited time out of the field—all while preparing for three crucial product launches.

Armed with information and insights gained from the needs analysis, we developed a comprehensive strategic training plan with customized learning journeys for three pillars: Selling Excellence, Leadership Excellence and Business Excellence. The journeys enhanced knowledge and skills related to topics such as competitive selling, precision coaching, inspirational leadership and business planning. Throughout the process, we worked closely with our client’s RSD ambassadors to drive the program forward.

Aha Moment:
We collaborated with the ambassadors to develop more than 25 blended learning solutions that included communication plans, live and virtual instructor-led workshops, case studies and a variety of self-guided options such as guides, podcasts and book clubs. When the COVID-19 crisis hit, we seamlessly pivoted to virtual-only learning experiences using both synchronous and asynchronous activities in varied group sizes to maximize engagement.

Nearly 100% of the RSDs who attended the academy reported business planning now guides their day-to-day actions. In addition, a significant percentage of the RSDs—83%—said the inspirational leadership series and cohort discussions impacted the way they approach business and leadership, while 95% said the cohort discussions positively impacted peer-to-peer communications, teamwork and alignment. The RSDs described the experience as “inspiring,” “empowering” and “thought-provoking.”
Today, we maintain an ongoing dialogue with the ambassadors, the academy participants, and leadership to keep the momentum going, facilitate program enhancements and address future needs.