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This Year, Get the Expertise You Need

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Sell Your ‘Why’— and Gain Alignment for Your Next Training Program

Let’s Get Better
At Getting Leadership On Board

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It's Time to Discuss AI

Read here


Take Your Team
From Training
to Performance
Reinforcement Solutions!



Proud to be an LTEN Excellence Award Winner and Finalist!

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Let’s transform your organization’s culture to one of continuous learning!



The Encompass Blog—Relevant News at Your Fingertips!

Expert advice and unique perspectives from our team and today’s industry leaders

Visit Our Blog Now!


Facilitate Better Mentoring!

Read Chapin Brinegar’s “Speed Date to Create Lasting Mentor-Mentee Matches” recently published on the Training Industry website.

Check it out today!

Furthering the Impact of Women in Healthcare

As corporate sponsors of the HBA, we’re committed to gender parity and ensuring all team members succeed.

Learn how!


Encompass Recognized as a Most Promising Gamification Services Company

Read about our winning approach to training.



Are You Ready for the Next

WoW?* Position your team for greater success with our Commercial Engagement Excellence Curriculum!


*Ways of Working

Proud to Be an LTEN Preferred Industry Partner

We’re committed to advancing the life sciences community through training. Learn how we can help you accelerate results.

Let's Get Started!


Dedicated to the life sciences industry, Encompass delivers training and communications solutions leveraging deep industry experience. Using our proven iEAR® approach, we partner with you to develop your team’s knowledge and skills, and ultimately drive optimal performance.

I Need Help to:

Ensure my team retains key knowledge

Prove training ROI with real-time results

Provide on-demand training for scattered teams

Train tenured employees to leverage new skills and knowledge

Engage my team with innovative technology

Convey new information to teams and leadership

The Encompass iEAR® Approach

Builds knowledge in stages—the proven way people gain it

Download the Guide

Encompass partners with you to assess your needs. We build and enact a learning and communications plan to strengthen your talent for maximum performance.

We know that one size doesn’t fit all. Our highly skilled, cross-functional team thinks in the big picture and genuinely cares that your team succeeds. We aim to become an extension to your team, not just another vendor.

Our experience spans a breadth of therapeutic areas within the life sciences. We live and breathe science every day.


Behavioral Health


Central Nervous System




Infectious Disease

Medical Devices



Orthopedic Surgery

Pain Management


Sleep Disturbances


Women’s Health